
当 Google 以错误的关键字显示您的网站时该怎么办?

在 SEO 中,为给定网站找到合适的关键字可能是一个很大的挑战。对于谷歌来说,这方面也可能存在问题,谷歌经常不顾您的期望,以错误的关键字或一些令人惊讶的短语显示您的网站。那么如何防止这种情况发生,如果发生在您的网站上该怎么办呢?继续阅读!



只是为了把你放在照片里。您的模范客户在 Google 中输入短语“金属眼镜框”,他们希望在搜索结果中至少获得一些有趣的报价。然而,当用户进入搜索结果中最先显示的网站之一时,他们看到的不是他们正在寻找的特定产品,而是一整套绝对不符合他们要求的塑料眼镜框。尽管客户可能对商店提供的某些产品感兴趣,但他们几乎立即返回搜索结果,对他们刚刚访问的网站不满意。

在这种特殊情况下,即使用户进入该网站,该网站的内容也会立即被拒绝。如果它频繁重复,Google 可能会注意到您的高跳出率,因此,它可能会将您的子页面或类别视为垃圾邮件、欺骗或故意误导,这可能会降低您的网站在搜索结果中的位置。然而,更重要的是,如果您的网站显示了错误的关键字,您可能会阻止那些感觉受骗的客户,因为他们没有找到他们正在寻找的东西,相反,他们只是浪费了他们的时间。

这种现象也可能对您的转化率产生负面影响,转化率会因为频繁访问未最终购买的网站而降低。因此,如果 Google 在错误的关键字上显示您的子页面,您需要尽快解决问题。但是如何开始呢?





If your website is displayed on wrong keywords, there might be several reasons behind it. The first one is simply the lack of the subpage which would perfectly fit a given phrase. In such a situation, Google finds a website which at least partially corresponds to the search query – let’s use the example of “metal glasses frames” again. In this situation, Google might display a website where some of the products are described as metal or where metal glasses frames are listed as one of the available types of the product. In this case, you should consider creating an additional subpage or subcategory that would be more suited to the needs of your potential customers.

     2. Content and its lack – even the seeming one

Probably every person associated with SEO knows that content is the king. The content, especially the longer one, shows Google what a given subpage is about. Therefore, the lack of content may be a reason why there is a problem with assigning appropriate keywords to your page. In such a situation, the search engine may wrongly identify the content of your website as it has only the metadata and some fragments of texts (e.g. in the footer) at its disposal. As a consequence, your site may be displayed on random words such as the website address or the name of the owner.

However, having the content with the right length won’t ensure that your website will suddenly be displayed after entering a relevant phrase into the search engine. Texts on given subpages should be also optimized for appropriate keywords – those that fit the products or services offered on the website best. This is the only way to show search engine robots that users can find necessary items in a given category on your website.

When looking for problems with keywords mis-assigned to your website, check if there is any hidden content which shouldn’t require any additional actions that could be omitted by Google and that could result in the search engine not taking the available text into consideration. Duplicate content is another phenomenon negatively influencing the SEO process. It applies to both internal (within the website) and external (between a few websites) duplicate content. It’s an extremely harmful situation and as a consequence, Google robots may perceive your website as spam.

     3. Wrong title and meta description

Title and meta descriptions are the first website elements noticed by users. Although we see these elements even before entering the site, they’re as important as the content itself. First of all, by corresponding to the users’ requirements expressed precisely in the search query, metadata can encourage potential customers to visit your website. Second of all, website title and metadata are important elements of the SEO process. For Google, the first words of the title are essential to determine the content of a given subpage.


Meta description is another equally important aspect. Here, it’s worth using carefully selected keywords on which your website should be displayed. Any unnecessary, additional or unrelated keyword phrases may mislead the search engine and result in incorrect assignment of keywords to given categories or products. Try not to duplicate metadata either between different subpages of your website or by copying them from other sites. It’s a mistake that can cost you a lot in respect of doing SEO for a given subpage.

     4. Inappropriate use of headings

Formatting is as important as the content itself. Make sure that you use different types of headings in your longer texts. When it comes to SEO, headings help to highlight keywords and the most relevant parts of the text, therefore, ensuring that they comprise the right phrases is one of the SEO cornerstones. However, don’t overuse your headings. You need only one H1 heading for each text optimization and the number of your H2 and subsequent headings should be tailored to the length of the text. You should also avoid repetition – SEO specialists ought to aim at creating unique headings which are optimized for keywords and which clearly outline the subject of the successive parts of the text.

In your headings, remember to avoid using words that aren’t relevant to the subpage such as “read more”, “check the prices” or “find out what are the advantages of the product”. These phrases are commonly used almost in every industry, therefore, applying them can significantly decrease your chances of the successful SEO process.

内容营销 - 标题

     5. Inappropriate use of tags

Apart from the headings, in most texts you can encounter the <strong> (bold) and <em> (underline) tags. These are the elements responsible for drawing the search engine’s attention to the relevant keywords. Remember to highlight only the keywords, otherwise the search engine robots may assign inappropriate keywords to your subpage.

When searching for incorrect tags, focus not only on the text but also on other elements visible on the website. Sometimes people use tags to highlight the address and then the website is displayed on words which may not be particularly beneficial both for the website and for its owner.

     6. Inappropriate external and internal linking

SEO is based on links, both within and outside the website. No wonder, then, that inappropriate linking may be a reason behind your website being displayed on wrong keywords. The problems may also result from incorrect website structure and then you should discuss the issue with the site developer, not only with an SEO professional. However, in most cases the cause of the problem is very simple – incorrect internal linking. In this situation you need to deal with the lack of backlinks between individual products or categories, inappropriately used anchors – meaning links assigned to a phrase not related to the subpage they redirect to. Here, you should avoid linking words such as “read more”, “click here” or “check out our offer”.

However, the problem with incorrectly used anchors doesn’t concern solely external linking. Links matched to incorrect keywords also affect inappropriate external linking which, in this case, may result in your website being displayed for wrong keywords. Moreover, make sure that backlinks to your website come only from valuable and trustworthy sites which can positively influence your website’s position on phrases you do SEO for.

     7. Blocked access to the website matching the phrase

It may happen that even though some of your subpages match a given key phrase perfectly, Google will still assign this phrase to a completely different part of your website. In this case spend a little bit more time on analyzing whether your robots.txt file is correct – if your content is optimized properly, this file ought to prevent the indexation of pages that shouldn’t be noticed by Google. These are for example subpages with rules and regulations, shopping cart or customer panel. On the other end of the spectrum, it may also happen that the robots.txt file excludes indexation of potentially valuable subpages. In such a situation you should modify it as soon as possible.

     8. Inappropriate redirects

None of us likes when after clicking on the link provided by the search engine, after a long loading, we get results completely unrelated to the content of the metadata visible during searching. The situation gets even worse when after clicking the link you see the message telling you that there is an error. Both of these situations can lead to problems with the proper assignment of the website to the phrases because Google, just like users, can also find it challenging to recognize the place where it’s been finally taken after so many incorrect redirects. That’s why you should make sure that your website doesn’t get into a vicious circle that misleads Google robots.

I found a reason behind my website being assigned to a wrong keyword – what to do next?

First of all, you need to enhance the subpage that should be displayed on given keywords.

Do you have a subpage that matches a given phrase much better than the one that is currently displayed on a wrong keyphrase in the search results? You can always influence Google, on condition you improve the content of the subpage that matches the keywords best. Make sure you publish a long text optimized for the key phrases with the use of the <strong> and <em> tags or headings. Don’t forget about unique content – pasting it from another subpage can bring counterproductive results. Make your subpage more attractive for users to decrease your bounce rate. Check the quality of internal and external linking, verify whether anchors are correct and make sure that your backlinks come only from trustworthy and reliable websites.


如果您认为给定的子页面不应显示在特定的短语上,那么最好让 Google 相信您是对的。重新分析您网站的内容并删除任何可能导致您的子页面显示在错误关键字上的词这也适用于具有特定短语特征的相关术语。此外,值得使用重定向到应分配给您感兴趣的关键字的子页面这同样适用于需要以允许谷歌正确索引特定子页面的方式修改的外部链接。

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